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Wednesday 14 January 2015

Best things about going back to UNI after a break

I love uni! It really is the best time of your life and after an extremely long Christmas break at home this year, I am desperate to return to my uni bubble. I shouldn't be complaining though as the only reason I have been able to stay at home for so long is because I have no exams wooo
However, I did find out yesterday that I have an essay I really should be doing, but, as I am the queen of procrastination I have decided to write this blog post instead.

1. Flatmates
You get to live with your besties all day everyday. They get you and you get them. When you are finally reunited after what seems like forever, nothing has really changed and everything just goes back to normal which is FAB. Living with 3 girls there is always someone around and only a door away if you need a gossip, bitch or someone to watch the new episode of Broadchurch with(how amazing is this show!?)

2. Spontaneity
Going out at home seems to take years of planning and often leads to staying in as nobody can be bothered to make the effort. But, at Uni this all changes and deciding to go out at 10pm is spontaneous and easy, and these nights often turn out to be the best!

One thing I have definitely missed is our drunken toast parties after a night out. It tastes sooo good at 3.30am and you never feel guilty because well, you were drunk.

4. Being lazy
and not being judged. At home you are constantly being made to feel guilty by your parents for not doing anything and you will get a disapproving look if you are still in your pj's when they come home from work. But at Uni it is just one constant sleepover and if you wear your pj's nonstop and don't leave the house for a couple of days no-one will really judge you. YAY

5. Getting ready for nights out
Now don't get me wrong I love the nights out but actually getting ready for the night out itself can sometimes be a little more exciting. Especially when you live with 3 girls and our rooms are only a few metres apart. You can have the music as loud as you want, you can drink whilst getting ready and you can decide as a group either heels or flats??

6. Routine
As well as all the fun things, it is nice to get some routine back in your life. Spending 24/7 in your house can get a bit boring and so I am looking forward to getting back to normality and having something to with my days.  

So yes take me back to uni please,(preferably when everyone has finished exams)so we can party and drink and forget that this is our last proper term at Uni because that makes me sad :(

Hope you enjoyed this random post! I would love to hear if anyone else is currently at Uni and whereabouts?

Love mary xo



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